Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Review

When I first delved into Spider-Man 2, a thought crossed my mind: This game is not just a mere continuation of its predecessor but truly embodies the essence of Spider-Man. It carries the responsibility of upholding the legacy of its predecessor and more. However, the burden of Spider-Man 2 goes beyond the world of web-slinging; it extends to the entire PlayStation gaming community. In a year filled with controversies for PlayStation, and a lack of standout first-party titles like this year, Spider-Man 2 becomes the singular focal point of the entire PlayStation ecosystem.

Now, when we look at sequels like The Last of Us Part 2, filled with controversy, and God of War Ragnarok, a pinnacle but somewhat safe release, the question arises: What about Spider-Man 2?

After spending a solid 30 hours in this game, I can confidently say that Spider-Man 2 offers a truly spectacular superhero experience. Although it may not hold much replay value, sometimes we don't need an extensive, drawn-out experience. To put it accurately, the relatively short 30 hours it takes to complete everything in Spider-Man 2 left me with a thoroughly satisfying and well-balanced experience. It's neither too much nor too little. It's been a long time since I've felt so immersed in a superhero role-playing game. If the 2018 Spider-Man game hinted at the potential for greatness, this sequel certainly delivers on that promise.

Now, I can confidently say that after half a decade, I've finally found a superhero game that can stand shoulder-to-shoulder with DC's Batman: Arkham Knight. Returning to New York with Marvel's two iconic web-slingers, I'm reminded of the famous quote, "With great power comes great responsibility." Spider-Man 2 is the perfect example of Insomniac's unwavering commitment, where their increasing power translates into a higher level of responsibility, and unsurprisingly, they've consistently risen to the occasion. It's safe to say that they are the ones carrying the torch for the single-player gaming experience on the PS5 platform, effectively shouldering the responsibility of the entire PlayStation community.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 embodies the culmination of everything that Insomniac Games has learned from their previous two games in the series, and takes it to a new level. There isn't a single aspect that has been overlooked, and no important character is left on the sidelines. To put it simply, Spider-Man 2 appears to continue Insomniac's streak of success. It's an extraordinary journey that leaves no one involved feeling ordinary. Insomniac has managed to connect all the dots and create distinctive highlights in every aspect of the game, from the story, gameplay, to the overall presentation. Everything is polished and it's hard to find something to complain about.

So, what about the game's story? It's quite challenging to praise the story of Spider-Man 2 without giving away spoilers. However, I want to ensure the full experience for everyone, especially since this AAA PlayStation title supports the Vietnamese language from the start, making Sony's narrative-driven games even more accessible by removing language barriers. Therefore, I will only highlight the most impressive aspects.

In general, the story in Spider-Man 2 feels much more intimate and friendly compared to the first game, but don't be mistaken into thinking it's not epic. It's simply the best of both worlds, allowing us to experience the raw and humble sides of Peter Parker and Miles Morales, alongside the blockbuster moments that the two Spideys are known for.

It reminds me of the storytelling in games like God of War Ragnarok and A Plague Tale: Requiem, where they focus on the humanity of the characters and their personal issues to tell a grandiose story that still makes sense. Here, we get to see behind the badass superhero masks and witness the simple desires for a peaceful life. This is where Spider-Man 2's story truly shines, as it allows us to see the human side of Peter Parker and Miles Morales more vividly than ever before. They're no longer the nerdy college student and the energetic teenager, but are now faced with more complex aspects of life. We all know that Peter isn't exactly wealthy, so he has to worry about making ends meet, and there's the matter of his marriage. Meanwhile, Miles is about to enter college and is uncertain about the responsibilities of his superhero role in the future.

In a bustling and money-driven New York, our superheroes seem to have little time for themselves and must grapple with the psychological toll of their responsibilities. They question if New York still needs them, if what they are doing will ever end, or more importantly, if anyone will even know who they are because, to the people of New York, Spider-Man is important, but Peter Parker and Miles Morales are just nobodies. These two heroes are at a crucial crossroads in their lives when it comes to their journey as superheroes, and they understand the high cost of this noble profession.

Hence, it seems that after approximately 20 hours of experiencing the main storyline, I felt a deep connection with them. These are very lifelike connections that we can relate to at their age, and the game offers us gameplay moments that might be considered fan service to immerse ourselves in their daily lives. Because, you know, without fighting villains or saving civilians, both Spider-Men need moments for themselves, and that's when the power of a video game truly shines, as it has the time to depict both the superhero and the real person. If you've ever watched superhero movies and had complaints that either the superhero part was great, or the civilian part wasn't, Spider-Man 2 addresses these concerns effectively. Unrestricted by time limitations for storytelling, it provides a complete, vibrant picture of the lives of these two Spider-Men.

So, how about the supporting characters in the lives of our two Spider-Man? It can be said that their roles in the story are just right, showcasing their importance. Mary Jane is portrayed as a beautiful, dynamic, and very independent character who serves as Peter's emotional support. Miles, on the other hand, still has his reliable friend Ganke by his side. Even Mary Jane has a more active role in the game, as she's given exciting gadgets to make her gameplay more dynamic and flexible, making her character more engaging and less of a mere plot device compared to the 2018 version.

As for Harry, Peter's close friend, his presence in Spider-Man 2 becomes more significant than ever before. He not only assists Peter and the Spider-people's loved ones, but he also has his own ideals and philosophy for his work, helping our Spider-Men understand things that go beyond just wearing a superhero suit.

Of course, no Spider-Man adventure can be complete without mentioning the quality of its villains. In essence, the story of Spider-Man 2 is divided into two branches, focusing on two different villains: Kraven and Venom. What's remarkable about these two storylines is that they don't directly intersect until about the final third of the game, creating a sense of unity in the conclusion of the game. This separation of the two storylines helps maintain the pacing and storytelling tempo, making the story longer without feeling excessive. It allows the villains to have ample time to make players understand their motives.

In fact, when I say that the story of Spider-Man 2 is more human-centric than the first part, it's evident that this applies not only to our superheroes but also to the antagonists. Without giving away any spoilers, you'll notice that not everyone is a complete villain, and Venom and Kraven aren't the only two antagonists. Almost all the villains are shaped by misunderstandings, suppression, and mistreatment, gradually losing their humanity to become the kind of people no one wants them to be. They are here for redemption. If there's a suggested reference, I believe the story of Spider-Man 2 draws inspiration from the third part of Sam Raimi's classic trilogy.

Regarding the two main antagonists, Kraven the Hunter is a cool, ruthless character who knows how to use his wits. His storyline is inspired by the comic "The Great Hunt," where he believes that in New York, he will find a worthy adversary to determine who is the strongest. He is an interesting villain because his ultimate goal is not to dominate power or assert authority but to seek a thrilling and challenging existence. For him, violence and testing the limits of life are the meaning of his existence. These elements ensure that Kraven's encounters with Spider-Man are exciting and captivating.

Now, let's talk about Venom, the most significant super-villain in this part. I believe Insomniac has invested a great deal of detail and tension in his character. Venom is, without a doubt, one of Spider-Man's most iconic foes, and every time he appears, the game becomes more intense than ever. He's powerful, yes, and he's ruthless, but what's fascinating about Venom is that he appears to have a unique interpretation compared to his comic book origins. He serves as a prime example of Insomniac's creative freedom. There are certainly elements inspired by the source material, but Venom steps out as if he were an original villain created by Insomniac. So, for those familiar with Venom, rest assured that he retains the classic elements, but in this version, he brings new differences, and the sense of responsibility that Spider-Man feels when facing him is distinctly different from reading a comic or watching a film.

Overall, the story of Spider-Man 2 is captivating, like a 2-hour long film but told in detail at the pace of a television series. It creates an epic cinematic experience while still feeling akin to a family drama television show. The story of Spider-Man 2 is clearly built on family issues but resolved on a grand scale. So, I believe you will share my sense of awe after everything you experience through the perspectives of the two Spider-Men on their perilous adventure in New York.

Moving on to gameplay, it's evident that in an action game with a strong comic book vibe, this aspect is crucial. I must share with you that Insomniac has likely mastered gameplay design. From swinging through the city to combat, every action performed by Peter and Miles is smooth to the point of being unbelievable, and their agility is nearly perfect even at breakneck speeds.

First, let's discuss the familiar Web-Swinging mechanic. Just like in the previous game, Insomniac has crafted a swinging system that is smooth, precise, and incredibly enjoyable. Particularly with this PS5-exclusive installment, the DualSense controller comes into play by replicating a slight haptic feedback after each web swing. The sensation of swinging is so enjoyable that I often forget about using fast travel for transportation.

Web Wings are a new mechanism for movement in the game. Now, the two Spider-Men can equip wing-like suits for faster travel. With these suits, they can fly at higher speeds, and if they enter specific wind currents, it can boost their mobility even further. The addition of this mechanism led me to use it more frequently, reducing my reliance on web-swinging.

Moving on to combat, it's a mixture of the old and the new. The basic beat-them-up combat that you've experienced in the 2018 game and Standalone Miles Morales is still present. However, there are now more options for combos, as both Spider-Men inherit new abilities and gadgets. The game even divides the L1 and R1 buttons into two separate branches of powers, giving you four new abilities and four new gadgets readily accessible on your controller.

What's special is that both Spider-Men can learn some new abilities after successful encounters with certain specific bosses, making them even more powerful. So now, the familiar ground-based attacks like Basic Attack, Basic Combo, Yank enemies, or Web Throw, as well as the aerial attacks like Air Launcher, Swing Kick, can be extended by combining various skills and gadgets.

Even if you've played the previous two games, you'll notice that the two Spider-Men have distinct combat styles, with Peter relying more on regular physical strength while Miles has the added power of electricity. And now, Peter also gains Venom abilities to enhance his combat capabilities. It's essential to note that Peter's Venom abilities are different from Miles' Venom. Peter's Venom comes from the Symbiote, which occasionally led me to forget the skills associated with the previous game's Dr. Octopus, as they have been replaced with the new Venom mechanic. Peter is now stronger than ever, and the familiar combos, along with his new abilities, make him the most powerful Spider-Man. He can group enemies together and throw them into the air or fire dozens of sharp Venom beams when surrounded by foes. He can even use the Venom web to trap enemies, lift them, and slam them onto the ground.

Miles still retains his electric-powered Venom punch for breaking through defenses and a powerful Venom kick, which allows him to jump and slam down with a golden-orange lightning strike.

Furthermore, with the inclusion of both Spider-Men playing simultaneously, the game's skill tree becomes much more extensive. Not only does each character have their own individual skill tree, but there's also a shared skill tree for both. The combat moves of both characters differ mainly in the L1 abilities and some minor details, making it easy to switch between them in combat without confusing your muscle memory.

However, the highlight of Spider-Man 2's combat system is the utilization of gadgets. Insomniac has designed the gadget usage mechanics to be seamless, simply by holding the R1 button, which allows for uninterrupted combos without the need to pause for gadget selection. While the game reduces the number of gadgets from 8 to 5 compared to the 2018 version, this streamlining is beneficial, eliminating unnecessary gadgets. This allows players to focus on using the most effective tools for their objectives.

Despite the reduction in the number of gadgets, the remaining ones are highly effective. This is a positive change as it enables players to become more accustomed to the game's mechanics, facilitating smooth and fluid combat. This improvement also minimizes distraction when switching between gadgets and creates an environment conducive to combining different gadgets into combos.

Another noteworthy aspect is the AI of the enemies. The foes in the game are designed with a reasonable level of intelligence, adapting to different situations and even cooperating to attack the player. However, the game's difficulty primarily arises from the high damage output of the enemies rather than the complexity of their attack patterns. In my opinion, Spider-Man 2 is a casual and user-friendly action game, offering intelligent interactions and decision-making without imposing overly challenging obstacles.

However, don't get me wrong; the game still offers a decent challenge, and the boss battles are truly spectacular. From the Lizard's ferocious swipes and wall-crawling antics to Kraven's strategic hit-and-run attacks, utilizing the environment to make life difficult for you. Not to mention, if you've ever played Capcom's Mega Man X series, you'll remember the classic X vs. Zero battles. In Spider-Man 2, we get a thrilling showdown reminiscent of that epic clash. I can only say that the boss battles are incredibly visually striking and cinematic. One minor downside might be the relatively low number of boss fights, so the moments that make you tingle with excitement will primarily come from regular enemy encounters.

Additionally, in terms of stealth mechanics, the game doesn't bring much new if you've played the previous titles. Nevertheless, I must commend the more entertaining and engaging Mary Jane gameplay sequences. Gone are the passive sections that detracted from the action nature of an action-adventure game. Mary Jane now has her own set of skills, including shooting and performing takedowns on enemies, making her character more dynamic and engaging. The game also offers some fun minigames that serve as fanservice, which might be a bit of a hit-or-miss with gamers. However, from my perspective, they are enjoyable as they serve a storytelling purpose within the game.

Furthermore, the side activities, including freeing districts from enemy control and collecting various items, are scattered throughout New York City. They are quite abundant and will extend your playtime by a few extra hours. Still, it's essential to note that the game's overall playtime is relatively short considering it's an open-world game. So, don't set your expectations too high in this regard. However, I must applaud Insomniac for making these side activities more engaging and rewarding. In the 2018 version, after completing the main story, there wasn't much motivation to delve into the side missions. But now, these activities have been given more value and are even dropping hints about potential new villains in the third installment, providing motivation for players.

Now let's talk about one aspect of the game that I really appreciate - its presentation. It's safe to say that Spider-Man 2 leverages the power of the PS5 in an outstanding way. During an interview with IGN, Insomniac developers announced that they removed a graphical option, leaving only 30fps and 60fps modes, both of which come with ray tracing by default. Consequently, ray tracing is active even in 60fps mode. Naturally, I opted for the 60fps mode, and it's truly the only choice you need. Even in this mode, the game's visuals don't significantly suffer. New York City emerges in a next-gen splendor. If you remember the 2018 PS4 version, New York appeared a bit muted, and it wasn't as visually impressive as it could be. In this sequel, the city gets a fresh coat of paint. The city's map has even expanded, now featuring not just Manhattan but also Long Island, including the famous boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens. Landmarks, cityscapes, and iconic locations are more visually stunning than ever. With the dynamic weather system, including light rain, heavy downpours, clear sunny days, and twilight settings, New York has never looked more dazzling. Especially with ray tracing enabled, swinging through the city offers breathtaking views. New York, the city of skyscrapers and reflective glass surfaces, displays everything in remarkable detail. What you see is truly what you get.

The astonishing performance of the game also stems from the PS5's SSD. I've never experienced loading times this fast and seamless. Transitioning between Peter and Miles or vice versa is lightning quick and preserves the fluidity of gameplay. However, the most impressive aspect must be the fast travel system. It's almost unbelievable how the game transitions between locations in New York, providing a smooth and rapid experience. The transition from the map back into gameplay is so seamless that I can't put down the controller but keep the flow of my playthrough intact. This is an incredible feat achieved by the developers at Insomniac.

As for sound and music, they continue to play their roles well, not being overly prominent but serving their purpose effectively. Notably, I experienced the game using a soundbar, and I could still perceive the sound effects from combat encounters, the ambiance of the city, and other in-game audio elements. They all contribute to creating a vibrant, immersive experience for players.

But perhaps one of the most important aspects of this presentation is the addition of the Vietnamese language right from the launch. And I must say that this localization is meticulous and thoughtful, coming from a renowned game developer. Vietnamese in the game doesn't feel like it's been run through an automatic translator; it has its unique style and wording. For example, calling your comrades "bồ tèo," or something along those lines. Now, you no longer have to struggle with English to understand what's happening on the screen.

The quality of the translation is excellent, but I admit that, as someone fairly comfortable with English and accustomed to playing games in English, there were moments when the Vietnamese translation felt a bit unfamiliar. Not because I couldn't understand it, but because I was so used to certain terms and phrases in English. So, for someone who doesn't have a strong background in English, playing the game in Vietnamese is probably the best choice. However, for those used to English, it might be a bit jarring.

One small criticism, although it doesn't directly affect gameplay, is that the Vietnamese font displayed in the game is somewhat unattractive. If you've played the previous two Spider-Man titles, you'll notice that the font used in this one seems quite plain and doesn't quite capture the essence of Spider-Man.

In summary, Spider-Man 2's presentation is top-notch. The game runs smoothly with almost no noticeable bugs or glitches. The visuals are stunning, and the Vietnamese localization is convincing enough to impress the Vietnamese gaming community. This is truly a top-notch PlayStation gaming experience.


In the end, Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is a high-quality superhero game from Insomniac. It brings together the core elements of its predecessors and improves on its shortcomings to create what can be considered the most perfect version of the game. While the playtime is relatively short, and there may not be much replay value, if you're a fan and see this as a unique adventure with the two Spider-Men, you'll likely remember it fondly. This game seems to be an engaging superhero title not only for fans of the two Spider-Men but also for casual gamers, as Insomniac knows how to evoke the most exciting and impressive gaming experiences. So, if you give Spider-Man 2 a chance, I believe that the moments of being a web-slinger in New York will be worth every second. After all, since GTA 4, this game may be the best ticket to New York for any gamer to date.



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